Sustainable Smart City Matrix: a tool to help cities steer their way to climate neutrality

A tool has been developed by STARDUST partner Universidad Publica de Narrava (UPNA) to help cities assess their sustainability plans and strategies

The sustainable smart city matrix provides an initial quantifiable value to measure the degree of sustainability of given city, in the form of a label. This labelling can help city managers, policy makers and urban planners to outline and appraise those actions, plans and strategies towards smart / sustainable urban environments.

The label is based on key performance indicators covering six categories: urban planning, mobility, housing, energy, production & consumption, and governance. These are aligned with the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.

Further information about the matrix can be found on the STARDUST resources page and an explainer webinar is available on the project’s YouTube channel here.


Photo credit: Dennis Kummer on Unsplash