Promising outlook for Pamplona’s smart cities solutions

Stardust project's 'Smart Pamplona Lab' shares the results of its four pilot schemes at a smart city entrepreneurship workshop.

Four projects – Defcon 8, I3i, Kunak and Menditech – have been rolling out and testing smart city solutions in Pamplona as part of a scheme set up by Stardust: The Smart Pamplona Lab.

On 30 September, they came together for a workshop organised by the Stardust team entitled “Pamplona and Entrepreneurship for Smart Cities” in order to share their findings.

City Councillor Ana Elizalde and Director of the Strategic Office Jose Costero opened the event. For the last year, Pamplona Municipality has supported the four projects by providing staff, infrastructure and public space.

Project coordinator, Sergio Diaz de Garayo (CENER), presented Stardust and the background to the local initiatives.

The results look promising and will encourge the City Council to continue the Smart Pamplona Lab.

For example, Defcon 8 has shown it is possible to save 20% of tap water in the toilets of public buildings. If replicated across Pamplona, some 855,000m3 could be saved. And the Menditech pilot scheme, set up by a group of local entrepreneurs from the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), has enhanced the technological features of their vehicle movement tracking system. And now they’ve been able to found a company from it.

These are just some of the positive results come to light over this last year of endeavours.

Also during the workshop, Stardust partner Zabala looked at how the local innovation ecosystem is changing with regard to the smart city approach.

The event was the opportunity to highlight other successful initiatives: Fibratrafic, for monitoring road traffic; the experience of the company BeePlanet (also Stardust partner) in electric mobility and energy storage with recycled batteries; and a gaming tool developed under Stardust by the company OuiPlay to help us save energy and which will soon be available for local schools.

The session ended with a presentation on cascade financing projects for Startups by Zabala.

This is the second edition of the Smart Pamplona Lab, aimed at testing local schemes for increasing energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable mobility.