
The partners

The project team has 27 partners from across Europe, including 6 cities, 4 research institutions, 6 SMEs and 11 industrial partners. They represent all the different stakeholders targeted by STARDUST. These include research experts, public authorities, industrial partners, SMEs, dissemination and exploitation experts, and investors.



All the partners

The National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) is a Spanish technology centre specialised in applying research and developing renewable energies solutions in the following areas: Wind, Solar Thermal and Solar Photovoltaic, Biomass, Renewable Energy Grid Integration and Energy in Buildings. It currently plays a key role in the research development of SMART Cities such as ECO-CITY SCANDINAVIA-SPAIN, EU-GUGLE, SMART ECO-CITY OF NIVALIS and now STARDUST.

Florencio Manteca, Project Coordinator

The city of Pamplona is the capital of Navarre, near the French border. It has a GDP per capita higher than the Spanish and EU-27 average. According to the latest ranking conducted by the Organization of Consumers in 2011, Pamplona is the city with the highest quality of life in Spain.

Jose Costero

Tampere is known for its courage in city development. Being the most wanted city to settle in Finland, it is preparing for a better future by developing new areas for its people to live and to travel. The Smart Tampere program, being a partner of STARDUST, was created by the City of Tampere to create smart city solutions via ecosystems.

Maarit Vehviläinen

The Municipality of Trento employs around 1.400 collaborators and offer the following services to its locals: citizen services, cultural services and technical area of the territory. The broad spectrum of interventions of the Municipality includes strategic areas such as social cohesion, economic development, urban security, education and training, youth policy, culture and libraries, sports, urban mobility, land management and environment.

Mariapia Tessari

Derry City and Strabane District Council area, is home to the second largest city in Northern Ireland. It is a vibrant, historical and economic city. The Council area is set within the foothills of the Sperrin Mountains – a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Leo Strawbridge

The Municipality of Kozani, which is located in the Region of West Macedonia and is bounded by lakes, lignite mines and the mountains, Vermio and Bourinos. Kozani was established in 1912 after being liberated from the Ottoman Empire. As the capital of Municipality, the city of Kozani is the administrative, commercial and cultural centre of the wider region.

Agrafiotis Apostolos

Cluj Metropolitan Area (CMA) Intercommunity Development Association (CMA IDA) is an associative structure comprising of the municipality of Cluj-Napoca, second largest city in Romania, and 18 administrative-territorial units (communes) from its immediate vicinity. One of the most important responsibilities of CMA Association is related to its competence to adopt public policies in the field of sustainable economic development on the level of the metropolitan area, and to create the necessary instruments to implement them

Adrian Răulea

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state owned and controlled non-profit multi-technological organisation. VTT’s main focus areas are: Knowledge intensive products and services, smart industry and energy systems, and solutions for natural resources and environment. Activities on the Smart Cities domain are characterised by genuine trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches with strong expertise in domains as sustainable urban development, clean technologies, bio-economy, ICT, transport and energy.

Terttu Vainio

Eurac Research is a private research centre based in Bolzan. It researchers come from a wide variety of scientific fields and from all parts of the globe. Its Institute for Renewable Energy conducts applied research on advanced energy systems. Its activities include national and international research projects, as well as direct cooperation with industry partners. It supports the promotion of renewable energy technologies and assists political decision-makers through scientific consultancy.

Alyona Zubaryeva Daniele Vettorato

Fondazione Bruno Kessler is a research centre in the Province of Trento working in the areas of Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems, History and Sociology. FBK participates in STARDUST via ARES (Applied Research on Energy Systems), its research unit involved in developing future distributed energy systems and alternative fuels, and the Smart Community Lab, which exploits IT as a transformative technology that improves city sustainability and quality of life.

Marco Pistore, Head of Smart Community Luigi Crema, Head of ARES Gabriele Zacco, Researcher Diego Viesi, Research Technologist Mattia Malfatti, Research Technologist

Greenovate! Europe is a non-profit expert group specialised in exploiting, replicating and promoting research results in value chains with high eco-innovation potential. These include smart cities, electricity distribution, bio-based products and resource efficient manufacturing.

Martin Stroleny

ZABALA Innovation Consulting brings together more than 230 experienced advisors located in offices around the globe. It assists clients that have access to selected European and International grant funding. This is done by helping them out in planning their R&D activities to attract appropriate public funding and investments.

Juan Cristóbal García Susana Garayoa

Officinæ Verdi SpA, JV UniCredit/WWF Italia, operates as a financial and technical advisor, which promotes green and circular economy innovation and partnerships with funds and banking partners. OV Group® integrates its business model with the activities and services provided by its operating companies, which are focused on the following goals: efficiency large scale projects (real estate, retail, industrial and logistics, etc.), greentech operations, green engineering and metering and control, green energy supply.

Valentina Luzzatto

Fondazione ICONS  maximises the research impact of researchers and innovators on society, its citizens, investors, other scientists, policymakers, and media. It adopts an innovative and integrated impact-based communication and exploitation approach, which is tailored to every project’s expected impacts.

Ilaria Orfino - Dissemination and Communication manager Mark Thompson - Dissemination and Communication manager

The Government of Navarre via their General Directorate for Industry, Energy and Innovation, is the regional authority that is highly specialized in the field of energy. It aims to promote an efficient use of energy, under the premise that the most renewable energy is the one that is not consumed, and to endorse renewable energy production from competitive sources by inviting more indigenous and renewable resources to participate in the regional energy mix.

Laura Larraya Irigoyen

The Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona is integrated by 50 municipalities, including the city of Pamplona. This entity is in charge of Integral Water Cycle, Urban Transport and Urban Waste collection and treatment, within a population of 370.000 inhabitants. We are strongly committed in the fight against Climate Change. Our goal is to be Carbon Neutral in 2030.

Alvaro Miranda

NASUVINSA is a public company of the Government of Navarra that has a mission on providing the necessary technical assistance in the following areas: obtaining and managing public land, developing instruments for territorial and urban planning, promoting land and public housing, promoting and managing industrial estates and managing the public rental housing stock, other civic or equipment buildings and infrastructures.

Javier Martínez

BeePlanet Factory was founded in 2018 to provide solutions to e-mobility challenges. Our value proposition is to give access to energy storage solutions at a competitive cost by using second life batteries. We research, develop and implement technological solutions to successfully return batteries from electric vehicles which have reached the end of their useful life to the marketplace. We recycle, reuse, remanufacture and resell (4R view of the circular economy) these batteries, putting them to different uses, depending on the analysis and result of the process. Furthermore, we are currently engaged in some regional, national and international R&D projects in order to broaden our scope and enhance the technology used in our products and services.

Products | Services: Although the batteries are no longer perfectly suited to the requirements of a motor vehicle, this need not relegate them to the scrap heap. Instead, they can be put to such alternative uses as: i) Large-scale energy storage to optimize the grid. They are used in both wind and photovoltaic farms; ii) Mid-scale energy storage for industrial and commercial sector. The aim is to decrease the energy bill by accumulating energy that comes from renewable sources; iii) Small-scale energy storage for self-consumption in public and private buildings; iv) Alternative vehicles with lower performance specifications, such as forklifts, golf carts, bicycles, etc.

Carlos Pueyo Jon Asin

SICE (Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas) is a multinational technology integration company operating in the fields of traffic and transport, the environment and energy, telecommunications and all types of industrial processes. SICE’s activity mainly focuses on providing added value services through the integration of a range of in-house and third party technologies, always with the aim of offering the best solution tailored to each customer.

Tomás Paadín Enrique Gómez González

Tampereen Sähkölaitos is a strong regional operator in the field of energy that has been in business for 130 years.

Christian Geiger

Skanska is one of the world’s leading construction and project development companies, focused on selected home markets in the Nordics, other European countries and North America.

Toni Tuomola

Enermix offers Talotohtori ecosystem, which is a complete solution for making existing buildings smart and energy efficient by connecting building automation with IoT Sensors and intelligent cloud services

Janne Heinonen

Aurinkotekno Ltd is a Finnish company operating since 2010. It provides a multi-disciplinary renewable energy services to our customers and develops large-scale PV-farms with our real estate development partners.

Jukka Mäkelä

ITEA, a public society entirely owned by the Autonomous Province of Trento, manages 10.677 flats of social housing and 5.938 units with no housing function. It is the public body utilized by the Autonomous Province of Trento to implement public residential housing projects and for the management of the relating estates. It builds houses, purchases and restructures buildings intended for residential and social purposes, realises primary and secondary urbanization works.

Ing. Ivano Gobbi

Dedagroup Public Services, S.R.L. is part of Dedagroup, one of the major IT group in Italy. Its expertise lies in systems integration and digital innovation of public bodies, in GeoData, OpenData, and GeoStandards as well as EU Directives (INSPIRE, PSI). It organizes and shares essential information that public authorities are unable to express. Moreover, it offers methodologies and software solutions that enable data sharing and the interoperability of systems.

Luigi Zanella

Habitech -the Energy and Environment District is the cooperative result between the University of Trento, research laboratories, private companies and local institutions: It is a cluster leader in the field of sustainable buildings, RES and intelligent territorial management technologies, and a network of more than 300 enterprises. It is the reference point for all its members when it comes to R&D, innovation, sustainable practices and integrated and innovative procedures

Micol Mattedi

The Institute of Smart Cities, a research institute within the Public University of Navarre, is dedicated to designing and developing technology and services for smart cities, which intend to use and manage a range of resources in an efficient and integrated manner. These include electricity, road traffic, water, waste and citizen participation that use both detection elements and distributed communication networks.

Ignacio R. Matias