STARDUST: leaving a legacy and looking ahead as the smart city drive continues in Europe
Interview - 30 Mar 2024
A long journey started in 2017 has come to an end.
Florencio Manteca, our project coordinator, outlines the lessons learned in these six years and reflects on the legacy of STARDUST. He also places this in the light of what has been happening in Europe in recent years, from Next Generation EU to Fitfor55, and looks at the social, economic, and technological barriers that city-scale projects face.
A chat with STARDUST: meet Pamplona
Interview - 21 Jul 2020
In the past decade the capital of Spain's Navarra region has embarked on a journey to become smart and sustainable. Its participation in the EU project STARDUST will help the city develop its ambitious plans
It’s time to replicate with Tampere
Interview - 01 Apr 2020
As part of the Tampere Smart City Week, STARDUST’s Lighthouse city of Tampere organised a series of replication workshops on January 29 and 30, for both Finnish cities and for STARDUST’s Follower cities respectively
A chat with STARDUST: meet Trento
Interview - 21 Nov 2019
Discover how STARDUST members in Trento are turning the city into a smart innovation island
A Chat with STARDUST: Meet Tampere
Interview - 08 Feb 2019
Maarit Vehviläinen, Janne Laurila, Anna Vilhula and Pauli Välimäki form the STARDUST team of the City of Tampere. In this interview they tell us about their commitment to make Tampere smart, sustainable and carbon-neutral