Be smart, go digital, think governance

STARDUST shares insights from Lighthouse Cities at SCEWC with other EC initiatives

The STARDUST project featured among 29 Smart City projects and initiatives at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona this week. STARDUST coordinator Florencio Manteca and the project’s technical coordinator Sergio Díaz de Garayo participated in a series of events organised at the stand of the European Commission about the different current initiatives related to smart cities and the energy transition towards the 2030 decarbonisation objectives.

Specifically, Florencio Manteca participated in the workshop on the State of European Smart Cities. He shared some of the technological solutions implemented in Pamplona as part of the STARDUST project, and engaged in interesting debate with representatives of other European cities and projects.

For his part, Sergio Díaz de Garayo, with the support of Anna Vilhula from the lighthouse City of Tampere, participated in the session Governance and Digitalisation, presenting the lessons learned and the key aspects for the effective roll-out of strategies and solutions to improve urban management and cut CO2 emissions in cities.