Cluj-Napoca, the Heart of Transylvania

Cluj-Napoca is Romania’s second largest city. Its municipality was termed as “The Treasure City” and had been a highly influential city based in the fields of academia and medicine. Moreover, it multi-culturalism and diversity has been greatly valued as its citizens live together in harmony regardless of the different languages being spoken within the city. It is one of the seven appointed Growth Poles of the country – the only that is growing in terms of demographics both in what concerns the urban nucleus as well as the surrounding metropolitan area. Despite attracting both highly qualified personnel and medium-qualified workforce and having 11 universities, the metropolitan area of Cluj-Napoca fails to invest on the potential of its different economic areas due to its lack of sustainable mobility pattern and poor thermal energy distribution. The city of Cluj-Napoca wishes to change that after submitting the recently approved Sustainable Energy Action Plan (2011-2020) and its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that has yet to be approved.



square km of land




actual age of Cluj-Napoca


among the 100 larger cities in the European Union in terms of optimal air quality